
Poetry Open Mic 

Come be part of our amazing poetry community! Sign up to read a poem when you arrive. Not a writer? That is ok! Folks who just love to listen to poetry are highly encouraged to attend! Enjoy as part of the audience, discover our diverse local literary talent and provide them with valuable feedback on their work! 

Hosted by Sara Ries Dziekonski

Featured Poet:

Maureen McDole was born in St. Petersburg, Florida. She is a direct descendant of carnies, carpenters and fishermen. This do-it-yourself ethos in her DNA infuses every area of her life. As far back as she can remember she loved to write.

She is the author of three books of poems, Exploring My Options (2006), Longing for the Deep End (2011), and Feast (2021). She has an English B.A., with Literary Studies Concentration from University of South Florida and a Certificate in Arts & Culture Strategy from University of Pennsylvania.  

Her poetry has been set in a variety of different ways including: film, dance, spoken word, art installations, Sprechstimme, and traditional vocal works.

Maureen has been leading workshops and speaking about creativity and leadership for over 20 years. She founded the literary arts organization, Keep St. Pete Lit, because she believes wholeheartedly in the power of literature to change the world.

You can hear her work on the “Monthly Shot of Poetry” podcast on!

Date: Wednesday, March 5

Time: 7:00-9:00pm

Location: The Studio@620 (620 1st Ave S. St. Pete)

Cost: Admission $5