We have created a banned book library at American Stage in partnership with Tombolo Books! We will be featuring books banned in our local school system and around Florida. It is a free resource in the American Stage lobby located at 163 3rd Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701.
We need your support to stock the library!
Order books for the American Stage library here: https://tombolobooks.com/gift-
We are also helping NOMAD Mobile Art Studio build a library (including banned books) at the Pinellas Juvenile Justice Center in their Justice Studio classroom.
Order books for NOMAD here: https://tombolobooks.com/gift-
Please support both projects and resist censorship! You can order books for the libraries in person at Tombolo Books and we will deliver them to the libraries. Or use direct links to order online!
Press about American Stage’s banned book library:
Please spread the word!